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  • Wrap Around Care

    Our breakfast club is open to all pupils from 8am every morning with no need to pre-book.

    Run by members of staff who the children are familiar with, pupils can chose from a variety of breakfast items including fruit, pancakes and cereal then enjoy relaxing with their friends, watching a movie or playing outside (weather permitting)

    Play For All

    Play for All is a dedicated leadership structure, built into a safe and secure environment. Children are supervised under a ratio of 1:8 (staff:children) enabling each member of staff to build close liaison with parents and children. Play for All is a fully qualified unit, our staff have a flexible approach to ensure an excellent service of care is provided.

    We focus on outdoor and physical play, allowing allocated time for homework to be completed. We follow a healthy eating policy by providing nutritious afternoon snacks.

    Play for all is where children can discover, achieve and express themselves through active play

    Contact Details

    Play for All@Grange Park
    Unit Leader: Rosie Kirkwood
    Unit Contact: 07564476222
    Term-Time:   Monday – Thurs 2-6pm, Friday 2-5pm
    School Holidays: Monday – Thurs 8am-6pm, Friday 8am-5pm